Custom Home Build Featured Project: Treehouse, Part 3

It’s been a while since we’ve shared an update on The Treehouse project on our blog, and we’re excited to share the progress that we’ve made. Built on the Lower Sunshine Coast on a steep, challenging lot, The Treehouse is an incredibly striking, high-performance residential custom build project we’re working on alongside home designers GNAR Inc. For those of you who have been following our journey, we really appreciate your continued support - thank you!

If you’re brand new here (or need a refresher!) The Treehouse build has been an incredible undertaking so far: 

🏠 The Treehouse Part 1: Learn more about the earthworks, land prep and foundations that kicked us off with the project.

🏠 The Treehouse Part 2: Insight into the engineering and the initial walls being raised.

Onwards and upwards - literally!

The Treehouse, Part 3 

In the last Treehouse blog, the focus was on getting the framing of the house started and erecting the walls - which the team managed to do with efficiency. The first and second floor framing went up speedily and the process went smoothly, with nothing of note to report during this phase—in the best way possible—signifying some top level planning from Project Manager Blair and seamless execution from Site Super Nick.

As the structure takes shape, we find ourselves at a point in the build where the intentional design elements of The Treehouse have really started to come to life. Not only will this be a wonderful home for the homeowners C&A, but this has been a golden opportunity for us to take our specialization of high step-code builds to the next level. Also important is ensuring we make a commitment (where possible) to environmental preservation. Unlike many conventional builds, the owners prioritized the preservation of the trees on the site offering food for thought about ways we can tread more lightly (and encourage our clients also) during all future builds.

During the design phase, the homeowners expressed a dream of being able to “reach out and touch the trees” from their home, a wish that  GNAR Inc. reflected in their design. As the most recent project updates photos show, this has undoubtedly been achieved, most notably with a high percentage of the lot featuring tree cover, with minimal removal.

Additionally, the two decks encircling the second and third floors of the house offer an opportunity to enjoy the forest from a unique perspective, and fully integrates one specific tree on the lot that pierces through the decks on both levels, and becomes at one with the house. This sort of design choice beautifully incorporates two of the three biophilic design pillars - this tree being both nature in the space and nature of the space at the same time. 

You’ll notice from many of the images that many of the branches are still intersecting the build, crossing the framing, poking through windows—these will stay until the very last minute, when they’ll be trained in a different direction, or conservatively trimmed. As previously mentioned, retaining the trees and as much of the natural foliage as possible is paramount to the homeowners, and this extends beyond ground level.

Another unique element of this build that we’ve been loving on site, is just how quickly the space started to take on a “homely” feel, and with the installation of the Innotech Tilt & Turn windows recently, things are starting to feel a lot less like a job site and a lot more like a home. These high-performance windows are an integral factor of this home achieving a high step-code.

As we continue to bring The Treehouse to life, please stay tuned for more updates on this extraordinary journey. If you haven't already, please follow us on Instagram for more regular project updates, as we post on the platform multiple times a week.

Whether a custom home, large-scale renovation, or an addition. If there’s a project you have in mind for a current or future space, please get in touch. We love discussing dream homes. Contact us.


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