How to Find the Right Property For Your Custom Home

So you have the vision of your custom home firmly in place, you’ve hired a complete building firm specializing in custom home construction to see it realized, and the agreement has been signed. 

What’s next?

Well, that would be finding a space for your home to take shape.

In today’s blog, the construction experts here at Lincoln Construction will be tackling how to find the right property for your custom home. Let’s jump in:

#1: Consider Your Topography

Known for its rugged beauty, the Sunshine Coast is home to the many cliffsides, ravines, beaches, and forests that make it so gorgeous–but that wild topography can impact where is safe (and suitable!) to build your custom home.

On top of unavailability, there are certain types of scenery–like rock outcroppings and embankments–that can shrink the buildability of your property and, in turn, have a knock-on impact of seeing your dream home realized.

Your assigned construction team will also survey the selected area for flood and landslide risk to guarantee the long-term protection of both you and your property–without it costing you a fortune to insure!

#2: Weigh the Pros and Cons of Each Type of Lot

Are you looking to have your ideal family home built in a sleepy cul-de-sac?

What about a spacious retirement home with stunning waterside views?

Depending on the intent of your home, it’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons of each type of lot for:

  • Traffic level (how nearby are main roadways?)

  • Noise level (do you have many neighbours around the lot? If so, how close are they?)

  • Accessibility (are you close to nearby stores or recreational areas?)

  • Type of nature (are your surrounding views important to you?)

Each type of lot comes with its own unique set of benefits and drawbacks. Our team will help you consider each from every angle possible to determine which is the best fit for your custom home.

#3: Invest in Research Before Purchase

Locational research is a non-negotiable part of how to find the right property for your custom home… but a non-professional opinion will only extend so far.

Here at Lincoln Construction, we highly recommend investing in a construction survey that will help you map out the dimensions of your custom home on top of obtaining a survey of the land before committing to buying the property.

If the survey is over a year old? Request a new one! A lot can change with a lot in a short amount of time thanks to weather conditions–you don’t want to be caught unawares.

#4: Don’t Discount Site Conditions

You’ve found the perfect location. The surrounding topography is ideal, the lot type slots perfectly in with your plans for the property, the locational research checks out… there couldn’t possibly be anything else to consider, right?

Well, not quite!

Last but certainly not least is factoring in the conditions of your site. Is it wet and prone to swampiness? What about if it’s steep-sloped, making it difficult for cars and construction vehicles to get access? Even bedrock can add significant building costs thanks to the need to scribe formwork to rock.

Considering that we’ve worked on properties where a significant portion of the entire build has been dedicated to tricky site conditions, trust us when we say that this is one item to definitely cross off the pre-building checklist! 

Your Dream Home is Our Dream Build: Let’s Make it a Reality

At Lincoln Construction, our team of expert custom home builders pride themselves on building designer residential homes. That includes helping you secure the right property for yours.
Get in touch today to get your dream home done and dusted.


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