Spring Reflections from the Sunshine Coast, BC

Moving through the seasons, watching our projects evolve through to completion, and revisiting old building sites, we took a moment to ponder the media we have been sharing here and on our other feeds.

We've decided to make a shift and refocus what we post. We want this space, and our other spaces to be a journal of sorts, a place for us to share the moments on site that often get overlooked in the bustle of the day. We hope to include moments of pride, moments of quiet, and moments of life's little golden nuggets.

Maybe we'll overshare a bit, and sometimes we’ll undershare - but we will strive to do it with intention.

While we have some ideas, and hope to 'find' content as we go, we are also open to suggestions.

Perhaps you have questions or curiosity about the custom home-building world and how we do things. Perhaps you have suggestions on topics you would like to see covered or projects you would like more details on. If something comes to mind, please shoot us a message... a community is built on collaboration and communication.

We're here for it.

So, here's to more stories, more learnings, and more moments of shared joy. From the depths of our hearts, we thank you for being part of our story. Stay tuned and stay connected.

Thanks for joining us!
Erik & Terri


Sunshine Coast, BC: Our Version of Home


If And When To Hire An Interior Designer